CSL kits are bundled tools and resources that enable library staff and other educators to provide exciting programming – right out of a box! The collection includes dozens of kits and is developed with library staff and their constituents in mind, meaning they are educational and instructive, as well as intriguing to a range of patrons.
- Some kits were developed for school aged audiences and provide a great introduction to STEAM topics.
- Other kits were developed to help library staff and other cultural heritage workers with technological solutions for bringing their unique collections to a wider public.
- Some were designed to gain awareness of social issues facing our communities and offer guidance and suggestions for navigating them.
- Others are immersive, and many are self-driven, or offer experiences that are just plain fun!
But that really just scratches the surface. There are kits for every age group and covering many fascinating topics, with new kits being developed and added to the collection regularly! Stay up-to-date about all things kits by visiting the CSL Kits blog.
See a list of all current kits in the collection
How to Borrow a Kit
To borrow a kit, you need to be enrolled in the CSL Kits program. Your kit account is the same as your Book Club Resource account, if you participate in that program. If you already have a CSL Book Club user number and password, skip to step 4 below.
- Fill out and submit the enrollment form.
- You will receive an email with a user number and password.
- Go to the catalog at https://csl.catalog.aspencat.info/
- Login into your CSL account using the “Login” button at the top right of the screen.
- Use the Search bar, or browse for “Resource Kit” to find the Kit you want to borrow.
- Place a Hold on the desired kit.
- The checkout period is for two months.
- If the kit is available, it will be sent to you via the CLiC courier as soon as we are able.
- If it is checked out to another library, your hold will remain in place until the item is available or you cancel the hold.
- Kits are not available for loan to out-of-state libraries.
- Kits cannot be reserved for a specific date in the future.
- Note that kits are transported via the CLiC courier. It is possible to accommodate lending if your institution is not on the courier system but able to pick the kit up from CSL.
Contact Kit Support at KitSupport@coloradovirtuallibrary.org.